1. We Divert

2. We Design

3. We Document

AOD is your Documentarian and Marketing Advisor.

In addition to documenting our own DIVERSION X DESIGN projects, we also offer marketing advisory services specifically tailored for the unique needs of sustainably minded property developers, architects and businesses operating in the building materials reclamation and upcycling space.

A little bit of storytelling can go a long way, but who has time to craft and tell a story when you have a small business to run or you’re trying to make it as an artist or designer, especially in a niche market? For many in the AOD community, this is a labour of love. With little time to focus on marketing, it can be a struggle to attract more customers (most of the people we talk to would much rather be doing than selling—we get it).

If you need a little help elevating your brand, photographing your work, refining your marketing collateral or reaching a larger audience, we’re here to help. Contact us.

Documentation & Marketing Advisory capabilities include:

  • Material Provenance Documentation

  • Market Research and Brand Positioning

  • Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Strategy

  • Leadership Profiles & Interviews for Publication

  • Photography and Videography Coordination

  • Copywriting, Graphic Design, Case Studies and Marketing Collateral

  • Proposal, Bid, Tender & Grant Writing Assistance

  • Speaking Engagement Prep and Presentation Development

  • Event Planning and Coordination

Instead of being reckless, let’s wreck less.