Andy Waddle is the Founder & Director of Art of Diversion (AOD). After nearly 20 years working in architecture, design and property development, he is now on a mission to make Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste obsolete by harnessing the power of collective creativity.

Andy has a deep passion for entrepreneurship and loves consulting with startups and small businesses in the local community—particularly those involved in architectural reclamation and reuse—acting as a brand ambassador on their behalf. As a champion of what he calls ‘a nascent but growing Art of Diversion ecosystem’, he is dedicated to amplifying the success of as many C&D waste reduction innovators as possible. Andy enjoys facilitating connections and collaborating with a diverse mix of people and strives to be resourceful, open-minded and adaptable.

He holds a degree in International Business Management from Georgetown College and a Graduate Certificate in Property Development from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). His breadth of knowledge about the built environment and distinctive perspective on all things art and design reflect his insatiable curiosity and aspiration to remain a lifelong learner.

Originally from the USA, Andy moved to Australia in 2015 and currently resides in Sydney.