When should I contact AOD?

If you want to help us build a museum out of reclaimed building materials for art made out of reclaimed building materials…

If you know of a building that is at risk of demolition or is in the process of being demolished...

If you have building materials that you no longer want or need...

If you’re interested in buying or selling salvaged materials or buying or selling items made from salvaged materials...

If you’re a person or business involved in materials reclamation and creative reuse in any way...

If you’d like help finding artists, architects, designers, craftsmen, etc. who specialise in salvaged materials...

If you want to discuss how to incorporate more Art of Diversion into your personal or corporate art collection...

If you’d like to join a diverse community of people who care about art, design, the built environment and the natural environment...

Contact us now!

Does AOD make anything that I can purchase?

We collaborate with other artists, makers and designers to produce one-of-a-kind works of art, limited edition handcrafted items such as furniture and other products all made entirely out of reclaimed building materials or materials that would otherwise end up in landfill. We also take commissions for bespoke works (see below). We will announce new releases on the website and social media. Be among the first to know about new releases by signing up to our newsletter.

Where can I purchase AOD products?

Items will soon be available for purchase through an online shop. We will also soon be announcing pop-ups and are working on eventually securing a more permanent studio/workshop with a walk-in showroom and gallery. Stay tuned!

Can I commission AOD to create something custom for me?

Absolutely! If you come to us with an idea, we’d love to help make it happen. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For example, if you have some building materials in your possession that you would like to make something out of, we’d love to help you upcycle them into something new. Or, if you are about to do a home renovation and would like to reuse some of the old materials in a creative way, we would be delighted to help.

Does AOD have a physical shop that I can visit in person?

We are in the process of securing a location that will serve as the official AOD studio/workshop and showroom. In the meantime, we’re often bouncing around between collaborations with local partners. If you’d like to meet up in person to discuss an opportunity, please feel free to get in touch. We’d be happy to come to you.

Alternatively, be sure to check out our Events page and follow us on social media to find out where we’ll be next.

What geographic markets does AOD serve?

We’re based in Sydney, Australia. Our geographic market currently covers the Greater Sydney area (primarily the CBD, Inner West, Inner South and Eastern Suburbs), but we’re happy to make a trip to regional NSW or farther depending on the circumstances. We’re always open to collaboration and consulting opportunities interstate or, for that matter, across the globe.

Is AOD a licensed architect, engineer, builder or demolition contractor?

No. We work alongside licensed architects, engineers, builders, demolition contractors, salvage specialists and a variety of other qualified consultants and service providers to facilitate the safe, compliant reclamation and reuse of building materials that would otherwise go to waste.